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Mark Cappel

Mark Cappel

Mark Cappel has edited magazines, web sites, and books for IBM, IDG, and Prentice Hall for the last 25 years. He earned a degree in law in 2006, and puts his law school lessons and editing experience to work every day in creating content for that is accurate legally, yet easy to understand. When he's not in front of a computer, Mark is an amateur actor, a swordsman, and a Gate Dept. volunteer at Burning Man.

Civil JudgmentJun 15, 2007
Let answer your questions about civil judgments and how that can impact your credit and financial stability.
Collections CreditJun 15, 2007
The passage of time will reduce the negative impact delinquent accounts have on a consumer's credit score.
Beacon ScoreJun 7, 2007
Let help you improve your Beacon Score and your credit profile, fast.
College Debt ConsolidationJun 7, 2007
Seeking college debt consolidation help? Let find the best way to save on your college student debts.
Lifelock Credit MonitoringMay 30, 2007
Looking for credit monitoring services, or evaluating services like Lifelock? Make sure that you see what has said to help you protect your credit.
Auto RefinanceMay 25, 2007
Auto Refinance | Looking for an auto refinance? Check with to get the advice you need to save on an auto refinance.
Compare average mortgage ratesMay 17, 2007
Learn how to compare average mortgage rates between 30YR fixed mortgages and subprime loans. It's all here on
'A Paper' MortgageMay 17, 2007
Learn what an A Paper mortgage is, how it compares to other mortgage loans, and the real deal with subprime loans. All from
Home Equity Loan to Pay Off DebtMay 10, 2007
Should you get a home equity loan to pay off debt? Discover the answer to this question and more at
Sallie Mae LoansApr 19, 2007
Sallie Mae Loans? Want to save on your Sallie Mae student loan or signature loan? has the advice you need to save fast.
Student loans and home loansApr 12, 2007
Discover if it's possible to get a home loan with existing student loans. Find your answer on the Blog.
Credit and MarriageApr 5, 2007
Credit & Marriage | There is no 'marital credit score.' One spouse's score can be high, and the other's score may be low, and both...