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Mortgages Articles

Mortgage Payment Coupon Book

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Need help getting your mortgage payment coupon book? Let help you for free with advice and tips.

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Investment Property Mortgage

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Removing ex-Spouse from Investment Property | Removing a spouse from an investment property mortgage is not possible, if you can't qualify for a refinance...

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Quiet Title

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Quiet title | An action to quiet title is a lawsuit brought in order to establish a party's title to real property. Due to the problems with MERS, anyone...

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Daniel CohenJuly 26, 2024

LPMI | LPMI is not a free lunch -- homeowners pay for LPMI in higher interest. It is also a bad deal if you plan to own your home long enough to exceed 22% of e

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Adding a Spouse to a Mortgage

Daniel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Free advice on what to do, if you want to add your spouse to your home mortgage loan

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Spouse Not On Mortgage

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

The letter to the county clerk is often just called 'recording instructions' or something equally non-descriptive. It is prepared by the title company or escrow

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Mobile Home Financing

Daniel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Free tips on how to source the best mobile home loan.

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Sell My House

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Sell My House Back to the Bank | Banks don't take homes back easily. Try modifying the mortgage to avoid foreclosure. Also, look into a deed-in-lieu or...

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Mortgage Calculator

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Mortgage Calculator | Mortgage Calculator tips from Use our easy-to-use mortgage calculator to see which which mortgage loan is best.

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Debt To Income Ratio Tips

Daniel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Debt To Income Ratio | Debt To Income Ratio Tips and advice from Review what you need to know about a DTI ratio.

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Mortgage Scam

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Mortgage Scam | The details of a mortgage can be complex. Mortgage scams often involve land speculation, straw buyers, inflated appraisals and...

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Name On Mortgage

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Make one spouse a financial and credit history life boat. If a couple's financial world is turned upside down one spouse will have a strong credit history to re

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Home Account is the Best Way to Apply for Online Mortgage Loan TeamJuly 26, 2024

A review of Home Account - the coolest new way to shop for a mortgage online, and just may be the Best Way to Apply for an Online Mortgage Loan.

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RESPA & Escrow Account

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Under RESPA, a mortgagee is allowed to require an escrow account as a condition of you, the mortgagor, doing business with it.

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Handyman Special

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

If the value of comps are in the $26,000 range, then you should pay $1,000 because the appraisal price is unrealistic and $1,000 is what the net value of the ho

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Mortgages FAQ

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Learn how much you can afford to borrow, and how to qualify for a mortgage.

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Conforming Loan Limits 2019

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Conforming Loan Limits for 2019 increased. The FHFA announced new loan limits for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans. Due to rising home prices, the baseline...

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REO Rental

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

REO to rental idea advanced by Federal Reserve aims to stabilize home prices by selling foreclosed homes as rental units.

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Mortgage Insurance Deduction

Daniel CohenJuly 26, 2024

The mortgage insurance deduction allows homeowners who itemize their deductions and pay MIP or PMI to deduct that amount from their income taxes.

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Fannie Mae's Tight Lending Guidelines

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Fannie Mae's Tight Lending Guidelines | Even qualified mortgage borrowers with 740+ credit scores, steady employment, high income-to-debt ratios, and ...

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Second Mortgage Rate

Fernando PaezJuly 26, 2024

Second mortgages can save you money if the rate for the first mortgage is high and you can't refinance it.

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No Closing Cost Refinances

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Lenders often define 'no-cost' refinancing differently, so be sure to ask about the specific terms offered by each lender. Basically, there are two ways to avoi

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Libor ARM

Fernando PaezJuly 26, 2024

Libor ARM | Libor ARMs depend on London InterBank offers to adjust your mortgage rate and still have some risk.

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Unstable Housing Prices TeamJuly 26, 2024

Home prices have steadily increased, but have stopped and may remain volatile for the upcoming months.

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Mortgage Application Steps

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Applying for a mortgage, whether a refinance or a purchase, takes time and effort - understand the steps.

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Good Faith Estimate (GFE)

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Since January 2010 a new Good Faith Estimate (GFE) has been mandated by the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). We help you to understand it

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Mortgage Refinancing Cost

Anthony GarciaJuly 26, 2024

Learn about the cost of refinancing your mortgage. Find out if you should refinance into a lower rate today.

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Mortgage Closing Cost

Anthony GarciaJuly 26, 2024

Learn about the closing costs of a mortgage refinance from the mortgage experts.

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Private Mortgage Insurance Info

Anthony GarciaJuly 26, 2024

PMI and private mortgage insurance video tips from What you need to know about PMI.

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What Is LTV?

Anthony GarciaJuly 26, 2024

Mortgage Calculator video tips from Ethan Ewing, President of, gives you free information on Loan-to-Value, also known as 'LTV.'

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Tax Deductions and Mortgages

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

Mortgage Tax Deduction | Romney introduced the idea of limiting mortgage interest tax deduction. Learn about the types of mortgage tax deductions you can...

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Gifting Money for Downpayment

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

Gifting Money for Mortgage | It is possible to gift money without paying taxes. The receiver can use the gift funds toward a downpayment. Consult with a...

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Mortgage Disclosure | The CFPB Loan Estimate Form

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

Mortgage Disclosure - Taking a Loan | The new proposed CFPB Loan Estimate Form aims to bring you clear information. After making an application compare...

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Annual Percentage Rate for Mortgage

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

APR Mortgage | Using the Annual Percentage Rate for your mortgage can be helpful in comparing offers, but has many limitations. Be sure to include all fees...

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Understanding LTV & Your Mortgage

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

LTV: Loan to Value | Mortgage lenders look at your loan balance and the value of your house to determine your LTV. Learn how to calculate LTV and the impact...

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Second Mortgage Lender | Shop Around

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

Second Mortgage Lender | Shop for a second mortgage by comparing your current lender, big banks, credit unions, and online sites. Make sure that you know...

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Mortgage Basics | Downpayment, Equity and LTV

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

Mortgage Basics - Down-payment, Equity, and LTV | Learn about mortgage terms relating to your property's value and how it affects your mortgage loan. It is...

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Mortgage Basics: Creditworthiness

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

Mortgage Basics - Creditworthiness | Learn more about mortgage basics. Lenders evaluate both your willingness to pay an ability to pay. Learn more about..

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Understanding the Basic Terms of a Mortgage Loan

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

Mortgage Basics - Understanding Mortgage Terms | The first in a series of 3 articles about mortgage basics explains key mortgage terms including payment...

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Freddie Mac Overview

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

Freddie Mac | Freddie Mac helps to make money available in the mortgage market, which means lower interest rates for you. Learn about Freddie Mac programs....

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7-1-ARM |Saving with an Adustable Rate Mortgae

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

7/1 ARM Loans | The 7/1 ARM has a low payment because it is for 30-years, but starts with a lower payment than a 30-year FRM. However, your interest rate...

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10-Year ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage)

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

10-Year ARM | Most Adjustable Rate Mortgages have a shorter initial period. Before taking a 10-Year ARM make sure that you can afford the payments and save.....

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Richard BarringtonJuly 22, 2024

Resources for mortgage loans. Find great home loan rates, get free mortgage quotes from lenders, and receive home buying advice -

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What You Need to Know Before Taking a Land Loan

Land loans are not like traditional mortgages or personal loans. Whether you qualify might depend on how you plan to use the land. Learn more here.

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Mortgage Complaints |Know Your Rights

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

Mortgage Complaints | The CFPB published a report in July 2012, including data about mortgage complaints. Learn about the major complaints and ways to avoid...

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Cosigner Mortgage

Mark CappelJuly 22, 2024

There is no requirement that I am aware of that requires a co-signatory on a mortgage be consanguineous.

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Selling Home

Mark CappelJuly 22, 2024

My new spouse and I each own a house and would like to sell them and buy a different one. How do we negotiate the mortgages?

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Capital Gains and Income

Mark CappelJuly 22, 2024

While capital gains is considered as income by the IRS, it does not qualify as income when applying for a mortgage.

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Subordination Fee

Mark CappelJuly 22, 2024

It is very common for the borrower to pay subordination fees. The second mortgage belongs to the borrower and most likely it is the borrower requesting to keep

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Will Adding My Name To A Mortgage Help My Credit Score?

Mark CappelJuly 22, 2024

Mortgage and Credit Score | Will adding my name to a mortgage help my credit score? Yes, but there are three reasons why you shouldn't.

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