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Finding A Reputable Debt Consolidation Company

Finding A Reputable Debt Consolidation Company

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Daniel Cohen
UpdatedAug 12, 2009
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    5 min read
Key Takeaways:
  • Look for industry affiliations.
  • Avoid unreasonably high fees.
  • Understand the pros and cons of each debt consolidation approach.

It's Easy to Find a Reputable Debt Consolidation Company, Once You Know What to Look For

Before you decide which provider should help you consolidate your debt, you need to decide which debt consolidation strategy is right for you. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy, despite what you see in television ads. See the article Debt Consolidation Program to learn about your options, and the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Shopping for debt resolution companies is somewhat difficult, because this is not a subject that surfaces in casual conversation. You may ask your friends for a referral for a doctor, lawyer, plumber, or mechanic, but it can be embarrassing to ask for a referral to a debt resolution company. For that reason, you must do your own homework when picking a debt consolidation partner.

Quick tip:

If you are considering getting help from a debt resolution company to solve your debt problems, you can apply with one of’s pre-screened partners.

We recommend you follow the the six steps to choosing a debt consolidation company, and watch for the five warning signs of shady companies, which are discussed below.

1. Check Employer Accreditation

Look for a service provider that is a member of an industry association. For credit counselors, look for membership in the AICCCA or the NFCC. For debt settlement, look for a membership in AFCC (formerly TASC) or IAPDA. Each of these groups do not guarantee that their members will provide good service. However, membership in an industry group probably indicates some longevity in the business, and may show the company follows industry best-practices. For example, AFCC provisional members have two years of financial results audited and are mystery shopped before becoming full members.

2. Longevity

Learn how long the firm has been in business. A long history is good because a company with a long history will have experienced underwriters and negotiators who demonstrate an ability to negotiate with a variety of creditors effectively.

3. Check Employee Accreditation

Look for a service provider that hires employees who are themselves IAPDA members. Again, just because a person is a state-licensed doctor, lawyer, plumber is not a guarantee the person gives good customer service. However, membership in IAPDA is a sign the counselor you are speaking to takes their job seriously, has undergone training and passed a test. Given the choice between a servicer provider that is a member of industry associations and hires IAPDA or another group that trains and tests counselors, and a service provider with no industry membership, spend your time looking at the one with the memberships.

4. Counseling Session

Expect a lengthy counseling session where the provider reviews your finances and makes recommendations that best meet your needs. This may take 30 minutes or more, depending on your situation. It probably took you several years to get into your financial situation, so it will take some time for a counselor to help you find the best way out.

5. Disclosures

The service provider should set realistic expectations for you for both the positive and negative aspects of their services. You should understand the impact the service will have on your credit score, services rendered, fees, and procedures. All should be presented in a written form to you before you sign a contract. If a service provider cannot answer your questions or provide you with written documentation of procedures and policies, move on.

6. Reasonable Fees

High up-front fees for credit counseling are a warning sign. Credit counseling fees should not exceed $50 monthly. Debt settlement firms that talk to their clients on the telephone may not charge a fee until the first debt is settled.

5 Signs of Bad Debt Consolidation Companies

Now that you know what six issues to watch for, here are five signs of a bad debt consolidation company.

1. Quick-Fix Debt Consolidation Loans

The offer sounds good: with one simple loan, you can cut your monthly payment in half. The truth is much more complicated. If your finances are in really bad shape, you probably will not qualify for a decent interest rate on a loan. The loan you get may indeed have lower payments, but you will pay over a much longer term and often with 21-22% interest. In the business, these are known as "hard money" loans.

2. Mandatory Donations

Although a debt consolidation company may claim to be a non-profit, they add an additional monthly fee, often 10% or more, or a hefty up-front fee to your debt package. If you can afford that extra 10%, you are better off negotiating directly with your credit card company to lower you interest rates and adding that fee amount to your payments.

3. Stopping Payment on Your Debt Before Starting the Plan

The debt consolidation service may advise you to stop paying your debts until your plan starts, but that will only result in late fees being added to your account. Some consolidation companies are also notorious for making late payments once you are in the plan.

4. High-Pressure Sales Tactics

If a debt management plan or debt consolidation loan is right for you today, it will be right for you tomorrow. A legitimate offer does not have a 24-hour, or even 72-hour, expiration date. Take your time to choose the right solution to your debt. Do not succumb to pressure to sign up today to lock-in a great deal.

5. Big Promises, Little Delivery

Some companies make big promises to repair your credit, fix your score, and reduce your debt. The only way to repair your credit or fix your score is to get rid of your debt and wait for delinquencies to receive a lower weight in your score calculations. A debt consolidation loan will reduce your debt, but only if you make regular, on-time payments that do not include high fees. In other words, the old saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is,” applies to debt consolidation companies.


Common debt consolidation options include:

  • Home equity loans
  • Personal loans
  • Cash-out mortgage refinancing
  • Credit card counseling
  • Debt management
  • 401(k) loan

If you own a home, you may be able to refinance your home on your own and avoid paying any debt counseling fees.

You may feel stressed by your debt, but rushing into an agreement with a shady debt consolidation company will only make your situation worse. Consider your options carefully before you sign a contract.

Get rid of your debt faster with debt relief

Get rid of your debt faster with debt relief

Take the first step towards a debt-free life with personalized debt reduction strategies.

Choose your debt amount

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Or speak to a debt consultant  844-731-0836


MMiguel, Jan, 2012
Protestors in Boise, Idaho, who are from Occupy Wall Street, are protesting payday lending regulations. The protestors do not understand that payday cash advances are a ton of help to individuals in emergency situations. The poor typically do not qualify for payday loans because they cannot afford to pay them back. Personal loan companies are not in the business of lending to people who cannot pay back the loan and interest. The Idaho protestors who say that payday cash advances prey on the poor have not done their research.
BBill, Jan, 2012
Poor people can take out payday loans, if they have a paycheck. I believe a payday loan should be an option of last resort and only taken out if the borrower is extremely confident that he or she can repay the loan right away.
DDr Joseph, Jun, 2013
Have you EVER done any research on the complaints these "payday loan" scammers have amassed? First, the client must give them access to his/her checking account. I can't count the number of posts I've read that reported the lender was continuing to withdraw money AFTER the debt and exorbitant interest is paid in full. I would assume a call or visit to your bank could stop this ASAP, but lots of people don't seem to know that. There is a reason such companies are not legal or welcome in NYS. THeir interest rates are so high that they would be in violation of the state's Usury Statutes. (Shylock wanted his "pound of flesh" — but give these payday loan scammers a finger and they'll bite off your hand up to the wrist.) It's difficult for people of limited financial means to assimilate all this information when "the wolf is at the door." My Dad, who is 82, and grew up tough on NYC's Lower East Side — he and my Mom are both Sicilian. My Dad wasn't involved in any criminal activities, but he knew LOT of wise guys and shylocks and , told me that even they wouldn't charge such interest on small loans to working people in the neighborhood. Yeah, even the Mafia (I can use that noun; I'm Sicilian) didn't gouge their debtors the way these hoodlums do.