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Advice on auto loan default

Advice on auto loan defaultMark Cappel
UpdatedOct 9, 2007

I defaulted on my auto loan. The bank sent me a notice demanding full payment. What can I do?

I defaulted on my auto loan, which has a $12,000 balance. The bank just sent me a notice demanding payment in full. Is there anything I can do to avoid paying this full amount, as I don't have the money to do so? Is there a way I can work something out to continue making payments? I was jobless for a month, but can afford the payment again.

Call the bank to discuss the options available to bring the loan current. Now that you have found a job and can afford the make the payments going forward, I would be very surprised if the bank is not willing to work with you in catching up on the payments. Since you were only out of work for one month, I assume you only missed one or two payments, so bringing the loan current should not be too difficult.

Again, I would be very surprised if the lender is not willing to work with you in resolving the default -- both the creditor and debtor lose money in a repossession.

If the lender is not willing to work with you, the only alternative I can see would be to borrow the money to bring the loan current. Depending on your credit, you may be able to go to your bank or credit union and ask for a small loan to repay the missed payments. If your credit is problematic, you may need to ask your family and friends for help bringing the auto note current.

If the vehicle is repossessed, you will not only be without a vehicle, but you will probably also still owe the finance company a lot of money as a deficiency balance. When a car is repossessed and sold at auction, the finance company applies the money it receives at the sale to the balance owed on your loan. If the vehicle sells for less than what you owe, you may be left owing the difference.

As I mentioned, I expect your finance company will work with you to bring this loan current, but if they will not, you should explore all options to borrow the money to bring the loan current, since a deficiency balance can be a huge financial burden.

If you absolutely cannot afford to pay for the vehicle, consider voluntary repossession as a lower-cost alternative to involuntary repossession.

I wish you the best of luck in resolving this problem, and hope that the information I have provided helps you Find. Learn. Save.




LLisa, Jan, 2011
My divorce settlement stated that my ex-husband would be responsible for the debt on the car he drove, despite the fact that the car was financed/titled in my name. He stopped making payments and the car was repossessed. He settled with the bank for an amount less than what was owed. I am trying to refinance my mortgage (and would benefit from a higher credit score)and have been told by the lender that I could possibly contact the bank and speak with a supervisor to see if they would be willing to remove the account from my report if I provided them with copy of the divorce settlement. The car loan was through Bank of America. First, have other people been successful with this and second, what department would I need to contact? I envision having to explain my situation to a number of customer service reps before getting to who I need to speak to. Or would it be best to write the bank? Would really love to fix my credit score if possible. Thanks!
BBill, Jan, 2011
While you can try contacting B of A to request that you no longer have the car repo show on your credit, it is up to the creditor to decide to honor your request or not. I have no guide for judging the likelihood of your success. Even though your divorce decree stated that the debt is your ex's responsibility, that does not mean that the creditor is bound by you and your ex's agreement to divide community assets and debts. The creditor may consider you equally responsible, even if you were not pursued to collect on the debt, and be unwilling to remove the account from your records. I think it will take time and patience to call and find the right person to speak with, but I think phoning is likelier to get you somewhere than writing. Have you looked at the steps you can take to improve your credit score?
JJoe Bolt, Oct, 2010
A friend of mine son lost his job over a year and a half ago, and is about that far behind in his car payment. The dealer closed that location, and has not had any contact with the finance company. How can he find out who to call to turn the car in to? After it is turned in, what will happen as far as the balance? From what I have read in other posts, I assume it would be auctioned off, that would be applied to the balance, and he would have to find a way to pay the rest? Is there any leagal action that the finance company can/will take?
BBill, Oct, 2010
The finance company would be a great place to start. A less accurate information source to learn current creditors is a consumer's credit report. A repossessed vehicle will be sold at auction, and any deficiency balance is the responsibility of the borrower. The creditor has the right to collect the deficiency balance from the borrower, including using the court system.