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Bill Pay Services and Information!

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Daniel Cohen
UpdatedDec 1, 2010
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    1 min read
Key Takeaways:
  • Bill Pay services and utilities can help you manage your money effectively.
  • There are a variety of free bill pay services, so don't pay a fee for bill payment.

Bill Pay Resources

The Value of Online Bill Pay

Still writing checks? It's cheaper and much easier to pay bills online. Think about it: each check costs about a dime and the cost of postage continues to climb.

Online bill pay is quick, convenient, and much cheaper than writing a check and putting it in the mail.

Bill Pay customers can review their bills online and make payments with the click of a mouse. Most bill pay sites are a secure and easy way to pay all of your bills over the Internet. With online bill pay, you can pay bills online to ANYONE.  Bill pay utilities online certainly make managing your money simpler, cheaper and more effective.

If you are looking for bill help or if you need to reduce your debts or get debt relief, make sure that you explore debt relief options in addition to effective budgeting and paying bills on-time.

Get rid of your debt faster with debt relief

Get rid of your debt faster with debt relief

Take the first step towards a debt-free life with personalized debt reduction strategies.

Choose your debt amount

Get started now

Or speak to a debt consultant  844-731-0836


CCarol, Mar, 2011
How do you get a bill off Bill Pay. That is, get a particular bill off Bill Pay.
BBill, Mar, 2011
Contact the creditor (the company getting paid) or your bank/credit union if you set up the bill pay through your financial institution.
SStanley, Feb, 2011
How the hell do I get on to the Bill Pay window.I have a Wachovia account, I pay my bills on Bill Pay in Conn., but I can't get on to the site here in Florida
BBill, Feb, 2011
Stanley, we are not affiliated with Wachovia, but I tried to find the information for you. The Wachovia's Web site shows the following as a contact phone number for their "Online Services": (800) 950-2296. Their site states that they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.