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Monex and Goldline for Buying Gold Review

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Betsalel Cohen
UpdatedDec 29, 2008
Key Takeaways:
  • Goldline and Monex sell gold as an investment product.
  • Gold has performed very well as an investment class over the last decade.
  • Gold is a good hedge and diversification strategy for some investors.

I am considering Monex and Goldline for buying gold. Should I buy gold and can you do a review of these gold companies?

I am considering Monex and Goldline for buying gold. Should I buy gold and can you do a review of these gold companies? Thank you Bill. Mike Smythe.

Thanks for the question Mike. Interestingly, we've been doing some research on buying gold lately and we even looked into Goldline.

Here are our thoughts, but be sure to do your own research too:

Gold is a way to diversify your portfolio, and many investment experts suggest holding up to 10% of your portfolio in gold and other precious metals.

Gold, in particular, has held its value throughout time, and is generally considered to be a good hedge against inflation. Some people collect highly valued gold and silver coins (numismatics) and some people just buy gold bullion or duckets and hold the core intrinsic value of the ounce weight of the gold.

Here are some of the benefits of Gold:

1. Diversification

2. Protection of assets

3. Gold is a good inflation hedge (it holds its value)

4. In uncertain economic times, gold is a good investment (Gold rose by 75% from the depth of the depression)

5. Collecting

6. Privacy (in particular, gold coins)

7. Liquidity

So, depending on your time frame and your risk tolerance, buying gold can be a wise decision.

Now on to Goldline and Monex.

It appears that Goldline is a leader in selling, buying, and holding gold and precious metals. Goldline is one of the largest gold dealers, has been around for decades, is a member of the Better Business Bureau (, has been audited, and is a stable long term partner for your gold needs.

Goldline has been on CNBC, is endorsed by conservative talk-show host Glen Beck and is considered a leader in the gold space.

I don't know much about Monex, but do your own homework.

So in sum, gold and silver have survived many economic cycles, inflation, deflation, financial crises, and for centuries gold has been considered a "safe haven" asset that has also seen periods of strong returns on dollars invested.

You can consider investing up to 5% to 20% of your assets in gold, but certainly seek your own investment advice and make the decision that is right for your specific situation.

Here are links if you want to learn more:


Buy Gold

Good luck!

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SShelly, Nov, 2010
I have been purchasing gold for many years now. I have been scammed once and it was a horrible. I have been using regalgoldcoins ever since and have never had any problems. They have great prices and amazing customer service. They made me feel like a valued customer and not just another order, and my purchase was delivered within a week. I highly recommend them to everyone.
FFrank, Nov, 2010
Monex is a fraud. They over charge. They are being investaged by the IRS. DO NOT DO BUSSINESS WITH THEM!
BBuy Gold, Sep, 2010
I just looked, and the price of gold is up 48% since you first wrote this review. I sure wish I had bought gold, it went from $875 to $1,293! Better than what I got in my stocks. Wish I had read this Goldline and gold review back then. Thanks for the information.
JJohnny, Apr, 2011
Guess what, gold is now over $1500! wow. Wish i had bought all gold instead of my stocks.
MMark, Aug, 2011
Check again partner, since gold passed $1,900 last week and still sits over $1,800. This is the best investment I have made in a long time. Doubled my money, but it has to be near a top.
mmike hunt, Jul, 2010
monex is scam , look at court documents
PParker, May, 2010
The value of gold is increasing.
BBill, May, 2010
Thanks for the note Liz.We reviewed Goldline, but certainly every investor and gold buyer should do their own homework.
LLiz West, May, 2010
I have talked with many people who have purchased gold in the past and they have recommended 3 companies to me Lear Capital, Blanchard and Regal Assets. These 3 are great companies that have good prices and great customer service. I am a novice investor but I have gone through a lot of companies and these are the 3 I choose to do business with. If you want a more comprehensive list message me and I will provide the list to you.
BBill, Mar, 2010
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