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Real Stories of Working Women Paying for Their College

Real Stories of Working Women Paying for Their College

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Betsalel Cohen
UpdatedMar 1, 2019
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    4 min read
Key Takeaways:
  • Read the personal stories of woman who work and pay their way through college.
  • Understand the challenges that working women face when going to school.
  • Gain insight into the lengths that these women go to make their dream of higher education providing a better life for their kids and themselves.

Paying for College, Working, and Raising Kids

College costs keep rising. This statement has held true, year after year. Higher costs present challenges. To pay for tuition, books, and everything required to attend a college can seem like a mountain to climb.

Many Americans work hard to put their kids through school, or to contribute to the costs. There are also many people who go to school and work, paying for their own education with what they earn, financial aid, any scholarships they can get, and student loans.

High Costs, Heavy Load, and Great (Potential) Value

A special class of students are mothers who work, raise their kids on their own, go to school and manage to shoulder the responsibility to pay the household and college expenses.

It is not on overstatement that working and raising kids is a full plate. Add going to school to the mix and it is an intimidating challenge.

But these working women are determined, motivated and aware of the value of a college education.

According to the US Dept of Education:

  1. College graduates with a bachelor's degree typically earn 66 percent more than those with only a high school diploma; and are also far less likely to face unemployment.
  2. Over the course of a lifetime, the average worker with a bachelor's degree will earn approximately $1 million more than a worker without a postsecondary education.
  3. By 2020, an estimated two-thirds of job openings will require postsecondary education or training.

The Importance of Personal Stories values the firsthand experiences of people working hard to better their financial health.  We started this blog as a place for women to discuss how they pay for college. Their stories are inspiring. They inspired us to start this blog, after reading the essays submitted to the Scholarship Contest.

We've chosen to protect the confidentiality of the women who shared their stores, so you will see their first names only.

Amanda - Once Bitten, But Not Shy!

College is very important to me. I went when I first graduate high school and I ended up dropping out. I'm still paying on the financial aid from the first time around so it's difficult to pay for college now that I decided to go back. I plan on paying for my college out of pocket. I am a single mom with two great little boys, I know it will be hard paying out of pocket but I don't want the extra debt on my shoulder. I also will apply to many scholarships and hope to get some help with school.

Brittney - Sick Child, but Eye on the Prize

My plan to pay for college is to use the financial aid amount that I am eligible for and then to pay it back later. I am a single mom to a little boy with a lot of medical conditions. That being said almost all of the money I receive from working goes towards his medical bills and to the prescription medications that he has to have. I am currently going to school for my associates degree, but I plan to continue going to school until I reach my goal of becoming a Physician's Assistant. I have worked in the medical field since I was 16 years old.

Constamekia - Hard Work, Gratitude, and Faith

Since exceeding my funds through financial aid grants, paying for college has not been typically easy. I am currently earning a degree in Human services and after graduation I will love to further my education with a master degree in Social work. Just to give a quick bio of myself I am currently 29 years of age, low income student and a single mother of three beautiful children. As a fulltime single mom of 3 and a fulltime student times are hard but, I am grateful for the help I am receiving to pay for college. I am currently paying for college through subsidize loans, which eventually I will have to pay back upon graduating. This scholarship will help cover the exceeding balance after subsidized loans are accepted. Usually I have to pay out of pocket the balance that is due, but I am currently in a financial hole and if the balance is not paid, I wouldn't be able to continue my education. Depending on the almighty God above, my worries has disappeared, for I know all things will work itself out. I am asking for your help, so that the balance is paid and I can continue to earn my degree. My passion is to help all that are in need and earning my degree in human services will allow me to do just so.

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