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Wrong Address on Credit Report

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Mark Cappel
UpdatedJul 16, 2010
Key Takeaways:
  • Error rates in credit reports
  • How to dispute an error

The credit reporting agencies will not correct my address, and it is harming my ability to open an account. What can I do?

I have a couple questions, but first I feel I should explain my situation fully. Today I went to open an account with Verizon Wireless, when they checked my credit, it said there was an error on my report and that I needed to call the credit bureau and sort out the problem. When I did call the credit bureau (TransUnion) they asked me for my current address which I gave them. The part where it starts getting complicated is here, I have lived at three different addresses in the last year and when I gave them each address they said this was incorrect and not my current address. So I tried to update it over the phone, but they said they couldn't do it as my credit history was not long enough to ask the authenticating questions, which makes sense as I'm only 19. Long story short, I went online to get my credit report. The current address listed (I assume it's the top address, as every other address is listed in the order I have lived under) is an address that I have not lived at for 6 or 7 years, an address where I have not lived since I was 12 or 13! My first question is, can addresses I've lived at be listed on my credit report if I was a minor when I lived there? There are several. If not, how can I change this? The company that last checked my credit report (two months ago), is a company I've never come into contact with, and it's a collection agency. I have no loans, no debts to anyone except Macy's (I work there) and I pay my bills (to Macy's and everyone else) on time. I looked up this company online and there have been many complaints about them, especially regarding their habit of collecting relatives' debts. The only thing I can think of that happened around that time with that address is my mother had a car that they repossessed. But if this is the case, why are they STILL looking for me? Why are they looking for me at all?? How can I fix this? I suspect this is the company (American Agencies) that caused the credit bureau to change my current address. The other company that checked my credit this year was Consumer Reporting Services, which also looked like a scam when I looked them up online. How can I fix this?? This is very stressful, and I thought I had decent credit if not good credit, seeing as I'm only 19 and pay all my bills on time every month. How can I get this old address removed as my current address, and subsequently my most recent address after my current address? Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.

You are not alone. According to a 2004 Federal Reserve Board report, 79 percent of credit reports may contain some type of error and that about 25 percent of all consumer credit reports may contain errors that can result in the denial of access to credit. Creditors attributing debt to the wrong consumer and reporting incorrect payment history are two common errors. Compounding the errors are the perfunctory and slapdash investigations that consumer credit reporting companies conduct when confronted by consumers with evidence of mistakes in their credit reports. It is ridiculous that the credit reporting agency would not change your address over the telephone because you lacked enough credit history to verify your identity. You need to dispute the error in writing.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), a federal law, requires consumer credit reporting companies to report accurate information. Dispute the wrong address with the bureaus in question. Below I will discuss the steps to dispute credit reporting errors.

Steps to Dispute a Credit Report

The Federal Trade Commission lists the following steps as the appropriate method for resolving credit reporting inaccuracies:

Step 1: Get Your Credit Report

An amendment to the FCRA requires each of the nationwide consumer reporting companies -- Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion -- to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months.

The three nationwide consumer reporting companies have set up a Web site, toll-free telephone number, and mailing address through which you can order your free annual report. To order, visit, call 1-877-322-8228, or complete the Annual Credit Report Request Form and mail it to: Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. You can print this form (PDF). Do not contact the three nationwide consumer reporting companies individually. They provide free annual credit reports through, 1-877-322-8228, and Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281.

You may order your reports from each of the three nationwide consumer reporting companies at the same time, or you can order from only one or two. The law allows you to order one free copy from each of the nationwide consumer reporting companies every 12 months.

You need to provide your name, address, Social Security number, and date of birth. If you have moved in the last two years, you may have to provide your previous address. To maintain the security of your file, each nationwide consumer reporting company may ask you for some information that only you would know, like the amount of your monthly mortgage payment. Each company may ask you for different information because the information each has in your file may come from different sources.

Step 2: Look for Errors

Review the report and compare the information it contains to information you know to be accurate. In particular, make sure the report contains your accurate:

• Name

• Social Security number

• Address and previous addresses

• Accounts and account numbers

If any of the above information is inaccurate, the consumer credit reporting company may have added incorrect information to your account accidentally. This is very common. Alternatively, someone may be using your identity.

Under the FCRA, both the consumer credit reporting company and the information provider (that is, the person, company, or organization that provides information about you to a consumer reporting company) are responsible for correcting inaccurate or incomplete information in your report. To take advantage of all your rights under this law, contact the consumer reporting company and the information provider.

Step 3: Correct the Errors

Tell the consumer reporting company, in writing, what information you think is inaccurate. Include copies (NOT originals) of documents that support your position. In addition to providing your complete name and address, your letter should clearly identify each item in your report you dispute, state the facts and explain why you dispute the information, and request that it be removed or corrected. You may want to enclose a copy of your report with the items in question circled. Your letter may look something like the one below. Send your letter by certified mail, “return receipt requested,” so you can document what the consumer reporting company received. Keep copies of your dispute letter and enclosures.

Consumer reporting companies must investigate the items in question -- usually within 30 days -- unless they consider your dispute frivolous. They also must forward all the relevant data you provide about the inaccuracy to the organization that provided the information. After the information provider receives notice of a dispute from the consumer reporting company, it must investigate, review the relevant information, and report the results back to the consumer reporting company. If the information provider finds the disputed information is inaccurate, it must notify all three nationwide consumer reporting companies so they can correct the information in your file.

When the investigation is complete, the consumer reporting company must give you the results in writing and a free copy of your report if the dispute results in a change. This free report does not count as your annual free report. If an item is changed or deleted, the consumer reporting company cannot put the disputed information back in your file unless the information provider verifies that it is accurate and complete. The consumer reporting company also must send you written notice that includes the name, address, and phone number of the information provider.

If you ask, the consumer reporting company must send notices of any corrections to anyone who received your report in the past six months. You can have a corrected copy of your report sent to anyone who received a copy during the past two years for employment purposes.

If an investigation does no’t resolve your dispute with the consumer reporting company, you can ask that a statement of the dispute be included in your file and in future reports. You also can ask the consumer reporting company to provide your statement to anyone who received a copy of your report in the recent past. You can expect to pay a fee for this service.

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Step 4: Dispute Errors

Tell the creditor or other information provider, in writing, that you dispute an item. Be sure to include copies (NOT originals) of documents that support your position. Many providers specify an address for disputes. If the provider reports the item to a consumer reporting company, it must include a notice of your dispute. And if you are correct -- that is, if the information is found to be inaccurate -- the information provider may not report it again.

To obtain a sample of a dispute letter please visit the Debt Self-Help Center.

The three major consumer credit report companies also offer consumers the ability to dispute a credit listing online:

File a credit dispute online at EquifaxFile a credit dispute online at ExperianFile a credit dispute online at TransUnion

Dispute errors with the consumer credit reporting agencies directly. Source:

I hope this information helps you Find. Learn & Save.



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AAlex, Oct, 2011
In order to have your address & phone # changed on your credit report you have to send a letter to the 3 credit bureaus requesting your contact info. be up dated & a copy of your drivers license & utility bill both must have your current address.
BBill, Oct, 2011
In addition to a utility bill, you can choose to send a bank statement, a credit card statement, or a pay-stub. It is a good idea to mail sensitive, private information via certified mail where you receive proof that it was delivered.