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Sacramento County Debt Consolidation

Sacramento County Debt Consolidation

Get rid of your debt faster with debt relief

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Or speak to a debt consultant  844-731-0836

Betsalel Cohen
UpdatedJul 22, 2024
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    3 min read
Key Takeaways:
  • Sacramento has thousands of residents looking for debt consolidation options.
  • Start with a budget and self-awareness.
  • Choose the right debt consolidation option for your personal needs.

Sacramento County Debt Consolidation

Fixing Personal Debt in the State Capital

With a population of approximately 1,374,724 residents, it's no wonder that there are a number of people who are currently in debt in Sacramento County, California, including Rio Linda. If you don't carefully balance your finances, you can easily find yourself in debt. Many people will say that the best way to tackle your debt is to consolidate it. However, in Sacramento County, debt consolidation is not your only option. Check out this link if you want to investigate a provider of Sacramento Debt Consolidation Options.

About Debt Consolidation

If you're in debt, you can tackle it a number of ways. Some people will say debt consolidation is the best way, but consolidating your debt doesn't reduce it. Debt consolidation merely rolls all your debt into one payment plan, either through a loan or credit card. This method allows you to establish a lower interest rate for your debt. In order for debt consolidation in Sacramento County to work for you, you need to aggressively payoff your newly consolidated debt. If you don't, you haven't solved your debt problem at all.

Options in Sacramento County other than Debt Consolidation


Regardless of if you live in the city of Sacramento, Walnut Grove, or Folsom, in order to truly eliminate your debt, you need to establish a plan of attack that starts reducing the total amount of your debt. This involves establishing a budget that you can live with where you have all your income allotted for necessary bills and enough set aside each month so you can pay down your debts. Even if you have significant debt, cutting back on spending and increasing the amount you pay off each month will eventually get you where you need to be.

Debt Negotiation If you're in debt and you're unable to pay off your existing debt or even make payments towards paying down your debt amount, debt consolidation isn't the best solution. In this case you want to either:

  • Call your creditors and negotiate a lower rate/amount
  • Hire a credit counselor to work with you to get your debts paid

A credit counseling service in Carmichael, or whatever Sacramento County city you live in, can also negotiate with your creditors for a lower interest rate or even a lower lump sum. They'll help you establish a payoff schedule and work with you to get your finances situated. These types of services do charge a fee, but if you're not comfortable negotiating on your own, credit counselors can do it for you.


In Sacramento County, debt consolidation is an option when it comes to tackling your debt. Again it doesn't pay down the amount - it merely establishes a more manageable rate and consolidates multiple debts into one payment. Consolidating is basically getting a loan or credit card to pay off your existing loans. The debt you had with one creditor is rolled over to a new creditor. Ideally the loan offers a lower, fixed interest rate. Again, in order for this method to be effective, you must cut your spending and increase the amount you pay on your new loan.

Get rid of your debt faster with debt relief

Get rid of your debt faster with debt relief

Take the first step towards a debt-free life with personalized debt reduction strategies.

Choose your debt amount

Get started now

Or speak to a debt consultant  844-731-0836

Debt statistics

Debt is used to buy a home, pay for bills, buy a car, or pay for a college education. According to the NY Federal Reserve total household debt as of Q1 2024 was $17.69 trillion. Auto loan debt was $1.62 trillion and credit card was $1.12 trillion.

According to data gathered by from a sample of credit reports, about 26% of people in the US have some kind of debt in collections. The median debt in collections is $1,739. Student loans and auto loans are common types of debt. Of people holding student debt, approximately 8% had student loans in collections. The national Auto/Retail debt delinquency rate was 4%.

Each state has its rate of delinquency and share of debts in collections. For example, in Montana credit card delinquency rate was 2%, and the median credit card debt was $462.

While many households can comfortably pay off their debt, it is clear that many people are struggling with debt. Make sure that you analyze your situation and find the best debt payoff solutions to match your situation.
