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Collection Agency Articles

ARS National Services - Dealing with Collection Calls |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

ARS National Services is a collection agency that works with original creditors and third-party debt buyers. Learn how to deal with a collection call, avoid...

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Nationwide Credit Inc: Dealing with Collection Calls |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Nationwide Credit Inc is a collection agency that works with original creditors and third-party debt buyers. Learn how to deal with a collection call, avoid...

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Portfolio Recovery Associates - Deal with collections |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Portfolio Recovery Associates is a large collection agent. Take these three steps when Portfolio Recovery Associates calls you to collect a debt. First...

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How to Handle a Debt Collection Call from Rausch Sturm 2024 |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Rausch Sturm is a collection agency that collects debts for financial institutions and creditors. If they contact you, take these steps to protect...

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Real Time Resolutions: How to Deal with Collections |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Real Time Resolutions is a mid-size debt collection agency that services debt and mortgages. They also buy debt. If you were contacted by RST avoid making...

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Collection Agency Interest

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Can A Collection Agency Continue to Charge Interest on A Charged Off Account?

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Midland Credit Management

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Midland Credit Management collection agency calling you? Take these 3 steps if Midland Credit Management calls you to collect a debt. First...

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Settle a Lawsuit

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Settling with your creditors is a fairly straightforward process, but one which can be intimidating to many consumers. Learn more about the process at

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FTC Crackdown on Bogus Debt Collectors

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Fake Debt Collectors and FTC Crackdown | Debt collectors must act fairly. If threatened or harassed, file a complaint with the FTC, who recently...

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Collection Agency Charges

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Collection agency charges are illegal if you state outlaws the practice, or if the contract you signed with the original creditor doesn't say it can...

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Collection Agency Scams

Mark CappelJuly 26, 2024

Collection agency scams are common, unfortunately. Learn four ways to detect a scam artist, and eight steps to take to handle a scam artist. Scammers will...

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How to Handle a Debt Collection Call from Convergent Outsourcing 2024 |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Convergent Outsourcing is a major debt collector. If they appear on your credit report, or they called or contacted you, then take these steps to...

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Javitch Block: Dealing with Debt Collection 2024 |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Javitch Block is a law firm specializing in debt collection and insurance loss recovery. If they call or contact you take these steps to protect...

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Debt Collector or Original Creditor

Daniel CohenJuly 26, 2024

My account is with a collection agency, can I negotiate with my original creditor instead?

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How to Handle a Debt Collection Call from Client Services, Inc. 2024 |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Client Services, Inc. (CSI) is a collection agency that works with third-party and original owners of the debt. Protect yourself by taking these steps...

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Credit Control LLC - Deal with collection calls |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Credit Control LLC is a collection agency that works with original creditors and third-party debt buyers. Learn how to deal with a collection call, avoid...

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Credit Corp Solutions: How to deal with collections

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Credit Corp Solutions is a collection agency that purchases and collects consumer debt. Learn to deal with collection calls. Verify the debt, stop harassment...

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Glass Mountain Capital: Dealing with Collection Calls |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Glass Mountain Capital is a collection agency that works with original creditors and third-party debt buyers. Learn how to deal with a collection call, avoid...

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Glasser and Glasser: Dealing with Debt Collection |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Glasser and Glasser is a law firm with a department that specializes in debt collection. If they contact you take these steps to...

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Gurstel Law Firm: Dealing with Debt Collection 2024 |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Gurstel is a law firm that acts as a debt collector for creditors in nine states. If they appear on your credit report or contact you, take these steps to...

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National Enterprise Systems: Deal with collections 2024 |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

National Enterprise Systems is a large debt collector. If they appear on your credit report, or they called or contacted you, then take these steps to...

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Radius Global Solutions: Handling a collection call |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Radius Global Solutions is a major debt collector. If they appear on your credit report, or they called or contacted you, then take these steps to...

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Weltman Weinberg & Reis - Dealing with collections |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Weltman Weinberg & Reis Co., LPA is a real debt collection agency that operates across the US. If they appear on your credit report or contact you, take...

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Why Did My Score Drop After Paying A Collection Account?

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Credit Score and Paying a Collection Account | In the long run, paying off a collection account will help your credit score. However, it can have a...

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Velocity Investments LLC: Dealing with Debt Collection|

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Velocity Investments LLC is a debt collection agency that buys debt and handles original and third-party creditors. If they contact you or appear on your...

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Capital Management Services - Deal with collections |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Capital Management Services is a legitimate debt collection agency. If they appear on your credit report or called or contacted you, then follow these steps...

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How to Stop a Debt Collector From Contacting You

Erik MartinJuly 26, 2024

Debt collectors cannot contact you if you write a cease-and-desist letter. You can stop collection calls at work, collection calls to your family, and collection calls to your cell phone.

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How to Handle a Debt Collection Call from Cavalry Portfolio Services 2024 |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

Cavalry Portfolio Services is a major debt collector. If they appear on your credit report, or they called or contacted you, then take these steps to...

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NCB Management: Handling Debt Collection Call 2024 |

Betsalel CohenJuly 26, 2024

NCB Management is a major debt collection agency that buys debt and handles original and third-party creditors. If they contact you or appear on your...

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Northstar Location Services

Daniel CohenJuly 25, 2024

Northstar Location Services is a collection agent. Take these steps if Northstar contacts you or the company's name appears on your credit report. Step 1 is...

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Collection of Written-Off Debt

Daniel CohenJuly 25, 2024

If the original creditor writes-off the debt and issues a 1099-C, that means the original creditor has forgiven the debt and is claiming the loss on its taxes.

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Collection Agency - Complete Guide to Handle Collection Calls

Betsalel CohenJuly 25, 2024

A collection agency either buys debts or acts as an agent for the original creditor. Learn how to deal with collection calls, avoid harassment, and negotiate...

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Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: Know Your Rights

Betsalel CohenJuly 25, 2024

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act grants you rights as a consumer and restricts debt collectors' actions. Learn about verification, disputing debts, and...

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Collection Agency & Credit Report

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Collection Agency & Credit Report | The creditor (the original creditor or the collection agent) must report settlement of the debt to the CRAs. Learn how to...

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Should I Dispute A Collection Account?

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Should I dispute a collection account if I know I owe the debt?

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Collecting 13-Year-Old Debt

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

A creditor failed to cash a check 13 years ago, and now wants me to re-issue it, which I cannot afford. What are my rights?

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Prepaid Debit Card and Debt Collections

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Can a creditor seize or garnish my prepaid debit card?

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Auto Repossession and Collection

Mark CappelJuly 24, 2024

What can happen if my car gets repossessed?

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Collection Agency, Collections Laws & Statute of Limitations

Mark CappelJuly 24, 2024

What is my liability when a collection agency buys my debt? Learn your options and means that may allow you to avoid the debt altogether.

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Dealing with Debt Collection Complaints

Betsalel CohenJuly 23, 2024

Debt collection complaints are common. The CFPB has received over 182,000 debt collection complaints over the last 5 years. Learn about how complaints...

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MRS Associates

Daniel CohenJuly 23, 2024

MRS Associates is a collection agent. If MRS Associates calls or sends you a letter, take these 3 steps to protect yourself. First, validate the debt...

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Zwicker & Associates

Daniel CohenJuly 23, 2024

Zwicker & Associates is an aggressive debt collector. Three steps you should take to prevent Zwicker & Associates from suing you. To protect yourself, first...

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Collector Harassment TeamJuly 22, 2024

Learn how to deal with aggressive debt collectors in this informative article about collector harassment on

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Utility Collection

Betsalel CohenJuly 22, 2024

Steps you can take to keep the heat and lights on when you cannot pay your utility bill. Learn the secrets of utility debt collection...

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Creditor Trying to Collect on Forgiven Debt

Mark CappelJuly 22, 2024

Learn about rules regarding debt charge-off and what the ramifications might be there for you after a debt has been charged off. is your one stop res

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Tactics Used by Debt Collectors

Mark CappelJuly 22, 2024

Debt collectors are infamous for their dirty tactics to trick you into a payment. Learn how to deal with debt collectors with the help of

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Common Non-Law and Debt

Mark CappelJuly 22, 2024

If I pay an amount on my credit card every month (it is currently 45 days late), can its collections department still call me about the debt?

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Collections on Old Debt

Mark CappelJuly 22, 2024

How common is it for an automobile to be levied and sold for an unrelated debt? Also, what is a reasonable settlement for $16,000 debt?

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Bare Collection Account

Mark CappelJuly 22, 2024

If a collection agent cannot validate/verify the debt, collection activity on that debt must cease. Additionally, that debt that cannot be reported to the credi

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Fake Debt Collector

Mark CappelJuly 22, 2024

Fake Debt Collector | Just because a voice on the telephone claims you owe a debt does not mean you owe it. Take these 4 steps when a collection agent calls...

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