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Betsalel Cohen

Betsalel Cohen

Passionate about helping people improve their finances. Worked in mortgage banking, private banking, and personal financial coaching. When he is not working, he loves running and spending time with his family.

Choosing a Debt Relief ProgramJul 23, 2024
Learn three tips to help you choose a debt relief program relief: Check affordability, your credit, and your ability to stick to a program before...
Should I Consolidate my Credit Card DebtJul 23, 2024
Should you consolidate your credit card debt? Find out reasons people have credit card debt and match your situation with debt relief solutions that best fit...
Government Debt ReliefJul 23, 2024
Government debt relief programs are limited, but options exist. The Government also helps protect you against debt collectors. There are non-government programs...
Reduce Debt YourselfJul 23, 2024
9 do-it-yourself debt solutions, including how to stop a collector's calls, validate debt, dispute an error in your credit report, failure to verify a debt...
Tax Deductions and MortgagesJul 22, 2024
Mortgage Tax Deduction | Romney introduced the idea of limiting mortgage interest tax deduction. Learn about the types of mortgage tax deductions you can...
Gifting Money for DownpaymentJul 22, 2024
Gifting Money for Mortgage | It is possible to gift money without paying taxes. The receiver can use the gift funds toward a downpayment. Consult with a...
Mortgage Disclosure | The CFPB Loan Estimate FormJul 22, 2024
Mortgage Disclosure - Taking a Loan | The new proposed CFPB Loan Estimate Form aims to bring you clear information. After making an application compare...
Annual Percentage Rate for MortgageJul 22, 2024
APR Mortgage | Using the Annual Percentage Rate for your mortgage can be helpful in comparing offers, but has many limitations. Be sure to include all fees...
Understanding LTV & Your MortgageJul 22, 2024
LTV: Loan to Value | Mortgage lenders look at your loan balance and the value of your house to determine your LTV. Learn how to calculate LTV and the impact...
Second Mortgage Lender | Shop AroundJul 22, 2024
Second Mortgage Lender | Shop for a second mortgage by comparing your current lender, big banks, credit unions, and online sites. Make sure that you know...
Mortgage Basics | Downpayment, Equity and LTVJul 22, 2024
Mortgage Basics - Down-payment, Equity, and LTV | Learn about mortgage terms relating to your property's value and how it affects your mortgage loan. It is...
Mortgage Basics: CreditworthinessJul 22, 2024
Mortgage Basics - Creditworthiness | Learn more about mortgage basics. Lenders evaluate both your willingness to pay an ability to pay. Learn more about..
Understanding the Basic Terms of a Mortgage LoanJul 22, 2024
Mortgage Basics - Understanding Mortgage Terms | The first in a series of 3 articles about mortgage basics explains key mortgage terms including payment...
Freddie Mac OverviewJul 22, 2024
Freddie Mac | Freddie Mac helps to make money available in the mortgage market, which means lower interest rates for you. Learn about Freddie Mac programs....
7-1-ARM |Saving with an Adustable Rate MortgaeJul 22, 2024
7/1 ARM Loans | The 7/1 ARM has a low payment because it is for 30-years, but starts with a lower payment than a 30-year FRM. However, your interest rate...
10-Year ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage)Jul 22, 2024
10-Year ARM | Most Adjustable Rate Mortgages have a shorter initial period. Before taking a 10-Year ARM make sure that you can afford the payments and save.....
Mortgage Complaints |Know Your RightsJul 22, 2024
Mortgage Complaints | The CFPB published a report in July 2012, including data about mortgage complaints. Learn about the major complaints and ways to avoid...
Bill Consolidation and CreditJul 22, 2024
Your credit score and history make a difference when choosing bill consolidation options. Also, once you choose a program your credit score will be affected.
Utility CollectionJul 22, 2024
Steps you can take to keep the heat and lights on when you cannot pay your utility bill. Learn the secrets of utility debt collection...
CFPB Supervisory Report | Credit MarketsJul 22, 2024
CFPB Supervisory Report | The CFPB issued its first supervisory report and identified problems in the mortgage and credit markets. Learn to be an educated...
Indiana Collection LawsJul 22, 2024
Learn the statute of limitations for credit card and other debts, and what amount is exempt from an account levy in Indiana. The first $350...
Various Types of Debt Consolidation Loans for Bad CreditJul 22, 2024
There are different types of bad credit debt consolidation loans. If you have bad credit and various types of debt, such as mortgage, credit card, or student...
Consolidate Debt & CreditJul 22, 2024
Consolidate debt to save money. Review these important quick tips before you choose a consolidation option, so you find the right solution for your specific...
Credit Card Complaints - CFPBJul 22, 2024
Credit Card Complaints | The CFPB not only educates the consumer about credit card but also accepts complaints and follows through with...
Sacramento Debt Relief Jul 22, 2024
Find Sacramento County debt consolidation resources, information, and advice on how to get your finances back on track. Free information from
CKS Financial: How to Handle a Debt CollectorJul 22, 2024
CKS Financial is a collection agency that purchases debt and also acts as an agent for original creditors and third-party debt buyers. Learn how to...
Credit Card Late Payments Jul 22, 2024
Credit Card Late Payments | Consumers are running up higher credit card debt and late payments. The holiday season is especially difficult. Take steps to...
Bankruptcy & Debt SettlementJul 22, 2024
Learn the advantages and disadvantages of bankruptcy & debt settlement for resolving debt. A chapter 7 bankruptcy is fast, but you may not qualify. Debt...
Top Loan Consolidation OptionsJul 22, 2024
Loan consolidation uses a new loan to pay off existing debts. Three loan consolidation strategies are student loans, personal loans, and mortgage loans.
Collections AdviceJul 22, 2024
Debt collections advice | Free tips on how to deal with an account in collections. Review your Fair Debt Collection Practices Act rights, so you aren't...
Bad Credit Home LoansJul 17, 2024
Bad Credit Home Loans | If you want to purchase a home and take a home loan, then bad credit will weigh you down. Prepare your finances and look for...
Mortgage Loans with Bad CreditJul 17, 2024
Bad Credit Mortgage Loans | Bad credit will weigh you down when looking for a mortgage loan. Learn how to prepare and what alternatives there are for...
Find a Mortgage LenderJul 17, 2024
Find a Lender | When you are looking for a mortgage loan, helps you find the right lender to work with. The most important thing for you to do is...
Mortgage UnderwritingJul 17, 2024
Mortgage Underwriting and Mortgage Requirements | Learn about the mortgage underwriting process and how it affects your loan application. Be prepared to...
Qualify for Mortgage: The BasicsJul 17, 2024
Qualify for a Mortgage | You can get qualified for a mortgage and the best rates by preparing yourself. Make sure that your credit, income and downpayment are..
Home LoansJul 17, 2024
Home Loans | From amortization to regulation z, you can get lost in mortgage terms. Learn basic information to help you find the home loan best suited for...
Shopping for a Rural Mortgage LoanJul 17, 2024
If you are a rural mortgage shopper, then you don't have to be at a disadvantage. While many rural borrowers are dependent on local lenders, with today's...
Credit Card Debt SettlementJul 17, 2024
Credit card debt settlement is a great debt relief solution if you are facing a financial hardship, but wish to eliminate credit card debt through one low..
Types of Debt Consolidation LoansJul 17, 2024
Debt Consolidation loans can help you lower your payment, save money, and get debt free. Choose between an unsecured personal loan, a cash-out refinance, and...
Is Debt Consolidation Right for You?Jul 16, 2024
Debt consolidation can help you save money on interest, lower your monthly payments, and pay down debt faster. Use a debt consolidation loan, or...
Trends in Mortgage Credit ScoresJul 9, 2024
The Great Recession of 2008 virtually put an end to the subprime mortgage market. What are the credit score trends for mortgages? Are mortgages available for..
Minimum Credit Score MortgageJul 9, 2024
Mortgage programs have different minimum credit score requirements. However, lenders often have stricter rules. It is important to match your credit....
Mortgage Tips - Getting an Affordable MortgageJul 9, 2024
Get mortgage tips about finding an affordable mortgage. You need to go over your budget, make sure that you can afford the house and mortgage, and then show...
Self-Employed and Getting a MortgageJul 9, 2024
Self-employed borrowers have a harder time getting a mortgage. A self-employed mortgage applicant needs to show proof of their steady, recurring income and...
Can I Afford This Mortgage?Jul 9, 2024
Whether you are refinancing or buying a home you will ask yourself if you can afford the mortgage. Learn to prepare and evaluate if you can afford the...
Mortgage Fraud | Homeowners and Homebuyers BewareJul 9, 2024
Mortgage Fraud | Both homeowners and homebuyers are targeted by mortgage fraud. Beware of upfront fees, undeclared money, false declarations. Learn how...
Conforming Loan LimitsJul 9, 2024
Conforming Loan Limits | Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's basic conforming (and high area) loan limits remained the same for 2013. Learn about your options to...
CFPB | New Rules for High Cost Mortgage LoansJul 9, 2024
CFPB and High Cost Mortgage Loans | The CFPB proposed a rule to include HOEPA protections and disclosure to purchase mortgage loans. By learning how to...
Qualified Mortgage Rule and Ability to Pay RuleJul 9, 2024
Qualified Mortgage Rule | The QMR and the ability to pay rule are technical mortgage lending issues. However, many borrowers will be affected when...
Best Debt Relief OptionJul 9, 2024
Among non-bankruptcy debt relief options, debt settlement programs generally offer the lowest monthly payments,because they negotiate to reduce debt owed