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Debt Help Articles

Profit Sharing Plan Rollover

Daniel CohenJuly 25, 2024

Profit Sharing | You will pay zero in penalties or taxes if you rollover your profit sharing plan into an Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA)

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Lower Payment

Daniel CohenJuly 25, 2024

Lower payment | A lower payment on your monthly bills is possible, if you find the right debt resolution option. Free tips from to help you get out of

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Levy Account

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Many states exempt certain amounts and certain types of funds from bank levies, so a debtor should review his or her state's laws to find if a bank account can

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How to Pay Off Debt Even in Collections

Betsalel CohenJuly 25, 2024

How to pay off debts even in collection | Learn your rights so a collector does not take advantage of you. Make sure you have to pay the debt and if so, then...

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Forgiven Debt Income

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Forgiven Debt Income on Unverified Debt | A creditor can send out a 1099-C, cancellation of debt form, which may cause a tax liability. If you can't validate...

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Seize and Sell Florida Property

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Seize a Sell Florida Property | A judgment-holder in Florida is legally allowed to seize property, though it may not actually do so. Florida law allows...s

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Georgia Garnishment

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Georgia Garnishment | If you have a judgement against you a creditor can get a wage garnishment in Georgia. If you wish to avoid a garnishment, then...

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Kansas Spousal Liability for Debt

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Spousal Liability for Debt in Kansas | If you always resided in Kansas or a non-community property state then you have no liability for the debt. However, if...

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Debt Portfolio

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Collection accounts are sold as pools or portfolios, and I know of no way for a collection agent (or anyone else) to purchase the collection accounts for a part

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Foreclosure Prevention

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Lenders would prefer to avoid foreclose on mortgages because foreclosure offers a poor economic return, and only foreclose as a way of limiting losses on a defa

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Advanta Debt

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

You may be able to negotiate the amount of debt you owe on your Advanta credit card with the third-party collection agency.

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Interest on Judgment

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

I have a judgment against me and learned the creditor is charging me 10% interest. Is that legal? It depends on which state you reside in.

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Will Co-signing On a Loan Hurt My Credit Score?

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

My boyfriend has terrible credit. Will it affect my credit if I co-sign a loan with him?

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Debt Death

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Responsibility for Debt after Death of Borrower | Some people assume a decedent's debt is forgiven or written off by creditors. The law doesn't work that way...

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California Community Property TeamJuly 25, 2024

California Community Property Law and your spouse's debt. In California, creditors can reach your separate property, but the rules for premarital debt...

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Bank of America debt options

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Bank of America debt options | Review your different options for resolving Bank of America debt. Reduce what you owe or lower your interest rate. Start by...

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Two Creditors Garnishing Wages at the Same Time TeamJuly 25, 2024

Get more information as to how wage garnishments work. If you are facing a creditor judgment, can help you save.

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Business Debt on Personal Credit Report

Daniel CohenJuly 25, 2024

Read more about how a business debt can be reported on your personal credit profile. Get more information about debt collection practices at

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Default Payment

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Default Payment | It is imperative that you show evidence to the attorney who filed suit against you to show you are current in your payments to the original...

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Deceased Estate

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Assuming the above, and assuming your spouse's prognosis is dire, neither you nor your spouse have an incentive to change the status quo regarding the property.

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Investment Rate of Return

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Paying off Debt or Investing | Investing your money instead of paying off debt might be a wise decision depending on the interest rate and rate of return...

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Garnish My Pension?

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Can your pension be garnished? Pensions, like Social Security and other forms of retirement income, are exempt from garnishment for most debts. However...

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Debt Judgments

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

If you are facing a judgment or possible garnishment, let give you the advice you need to resolve your debt.

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Debt Settlement Advice and Tips

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Get self help tips and advice on debt settlement options. Find. Learn. Save! at

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Debt Inheritance

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

See what happens to your debt when you pass away. your one stop financial resource center

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Debt and Divorce

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Get all the answers about debt and divorce from your source for saving money. Ask Bill,'s financial expert your financial questions.

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How Do I Reduce My Debts?

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

How do I reduce my debts? | If you are asking yourself, 'How do I reduce my debt?' you owe it to yourself to look at all your options. Start by...

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Divorce and Debt TeamJuly 25, 2024

It is important to divide assets and liabilities, and make certain to update your credit report record (particularly if there are jointly held accounts) after t

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Bad Debt

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

If you have Bad Debt problems, let help you save.

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CreditGuard of America - Credit Guard Advice and Consumer Debt Solutions

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

See what has been asked in the past about Credit Guard of America and Consumer Debt Solutions.

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Buried In Debt

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Find yourself buried in debt? has the tips and resources to get debt free.

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Small Business Debt

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Do you have a lot of debt acrued through you closed small business? See what options may be right for you. is your one stop resource for saving mone

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Debt Management Questions

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

Get answers to common debt management questions., your personal finance resource center.

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Freeze Account

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

It is not possible for a third party, such as an ex-spouse to effectuate an account freeze. You may be thinking of what is called a levy or garnishment.

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Credit CARD Act of 2009 Interest

Mark CappelJuly 25, 2024

The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 is an amendment to the Truth in Lending Act. It limits the amount your rate can changeâ

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Being Sued by a Creditor

Mark CappelJuly 24, 2024

Are you being sued by a creditor? The thought of being sued can be overwhelming. A lawsuit can cause emotional and physical stress. Read on how you can protect

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California Payday Loan TeamJuly 24, 2024

Payday loans | Learn about the payday loan regulations. Understand what happens in California when you put a stop payment to a check that you gave to a payday l

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Debt and Estate Laws

Mark CappelJuly 24, 2024

A decedent's debts do not automatically pass to his spouse, children, or anyone else.

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Car Repossession

Mark CappelJuly 24, 2024

Car Repossession | Vehicles depreciate at a fast rate. If your car is repossessed and worth less than the balance of the loan, then you will have to pay-off...

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Daniel CohenJuly 24, 2024

Texas debt laws, bankruptcy limits, tax rates, statutes of limitations, and facts.

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Delinquent Credit Card Debt and Foreclosure

Mark CappelJuly 24, 2024

Delinquent Credit Card Debt and Foreclosure | Free tips from about delinquent credit card debt, its effects on your home, and whether it can lead to f

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Questions to Ask Debt Consolidation Lawyers

Betsalel CohenJuly 24, 2024

Debt Consolidation Lawyers | Debt is a financial issue. However, if you have debt problems, considering bankruptcy or facing lawsuits, then learn questions...

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Minnesota Garnishment

Mark CappelJuly 24, 2024

An employer shall not discharge an employee for a garnishment in Minnesota. A divorce decree does not trump the contract terms in a federal student loan.

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Creditor Threatening to Garnish Spouse

Mark CappelJuly 24, 2024

A collection agency is threatening to sue me and garnish my spouse's wages. Can they do that?

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Re-Aging Debt

Mark CappelJuly 24, 2024

If you have solid evidence of a collection agent re-aging an account, dispute the account as described here. You may a cause of action for re-aging the account

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Eliminating Unhealthy Debts

Betsalel CohenJuly 24, 2024

Follow these budgeting tips and debt pay off strategies to eliminate your credit card debts and other unhealthy debts. Get on the road to becoming debt free.

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California TeamJuly 24, 2024

Learn more about California statute of limitations, collection Law, payday loans & bankruptcy limits

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Florida Judgment TeamJuly 23, 2024

Excluding child support, creditors cannot touch Social Security and pension benefits if they are deposited into an account that is not intermingled with funds f

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National Action Financial Services

Mark CappelJuly 23, 2024

Just because National Action Financial Services has access to the credit reporting agencies and learned your contact information does not mean you owe a debt.

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Right of Redemption

Mark CappelJuly 22, 2024

Right of redemption allows former owners who have had a vehicle repossessed or home foreclosed upon to reclaim the property.

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